Ed Gensho Welsh
Ed Gensho Welsh began practicing Zen in 2002 and was made a Dharma Holder in 2016. He served on the Zen Community of Oregon board of directors for 10 years. He works in IT and is a married father with three grown children.
Upcoming Programs by Ed Gensho Welsh
Investigating Zen Practice: a one-day workshop
Also With Kosho Ault
Experience an Introduction to Zen Practice through the Ten Directions. This one-day in-person workshop at Heart of Wisdom Zen Temple is for beginners or those who want to dive deeper into Zen practice. Learn how to practice using ancient methods that are applicable in today’s world: Meditation and sitting with stability Mindfulness practice off the […]
Basics of Buddhism: Online class series
Also With Laura Jomon Martin
This course introduces the key teachings of Buddhism as they are embodied in our Zen tradition. We will explore the biography of the Buddha in historical context and engage with the foundational practices he taught. This course is a requirement for Jukai, but anyone who is interested is welcome to participate. This class takes place […]
Investigating Zen Practice: a one-day workshop
Also With Kosho Ault
Experience an Introduction to Zen Practice through the Ten Directions. This one-day in-person workshop at Heart of Wisdom Zen Temple is for beginners or those who want to dive deeper into Zen practice. Learn how to practice using ancient methods that are applicable in today’s world: Meditation and sitting with stability Mindfulness practice off the […]
Spring Zazenkai: A One Day Meditation Retreat
May Sesshin - The Light of our Ancestors
Also With Amy Kisei, Sensei and Patrick Bansho Green
Zen is a direct Mind to Mind transmission--a transmission of light. We study with teachers who help us recognize and embody our awakened wisdom and compassion. During this sesshin, we will connect with our roots and draw strength from the stories of those who have come before us. Our ancestors are real people, walking the […]