Vow Sesshin

With Hogen Bays, Roshi, Sara Shinei Monial and Patrick Bansho Green

January 7 - 12, 2025

Date and Time Details: Monday, January 7th, 2024 to Sunday January 12th

Location: Great Vow Zen Monastery

Address: 79640 Quincy-Mayger RoadClatskanie, Oregon 97016

  • $380.00 – Program Price
  • $280.00 – ZCO member rate


From emptiness springs forth our deepest potential. When we are able to drop our ideas about who and what we are, we can recognize the infinite realm of possibility that has always been our playground.

Reality before interpretation, before we start applying labels and identities, is vast and unbounded. From this space, we access the wisdom and compassion that is the source material of our life.

With wisdom and compassion as our foundation, we recognize that we are the totality. Nothing separate and always in relationship. We come to see our personality and our personal particularities as part of the giddy cosmic unfolding of this mysterious universe. These particularities can be celebrated and manifest as means for the greater good.

With the guidance from our sangha and teachers, we embark on a journey of intention and presence. How do we live our vows in the moment to moment unfolding of a life? How do we carry vow, how does it carry us, through our darkest and brightest moments?

The Bodhisattva Vow lives through us, it is the current of energy that has sustained our human hearts, generation to generation. We are the culmination of this timeless vow.

Let’s take this week together to celebrate the light of our great shared vow. A vow that can carry us forward – in whatever we are asked to meet in this life.
This retreat will not be offered online and begins on TUESDAY!
Given the nature of this retreat, full time participation is asked.  thank you!

About the Leaders

Hogen Bays, Roshi

  Hogen Bays, Roshi began practicing in 1968 with Philip Kapleau, Roshi and was part of the residential staff at Zen Center of Rochester in Rochester, New York until 1975. He lived and trained at Zen Center of Los Angeles under the direction of Taizan Maezumi, Roshi from 1980-1984. In 1990 he took priest’s ordination […]

Learn more about Hogen Bays, Roshi

Sara Shinei Monial

Sara Shinei Monial is a Zen priest who completed her novice training at Great Vow in 2020. She has been practicing meditation intensively since 2007, and has practiced closely with various teachers including Jan Chozen Bays, Roshi, Hogen Bays, Roshi, and Satya Vayu. Shinei has a BA in Education, but left the field years ago […]

Learn more about Sara Shinei Monial

Patrick Bansho Green

Patrick Bansho Green has practiced with the Zen Community of Oregon since 2004 and received Lay Transmission from Chozen Bays and Hogen Bays in 2019, priest ordination in 2021, and completed Preceptor Authorization and Dharma Transmission in 2023. As board president, he led the effort to found Heart of Wisdom Zen Temple, a lay practice […]

Learn more about Patrick Bansho Green

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