May Sesshin - The Light of our Ancestors

With Amy Kisei, Sensei, Patrick Bansho Green and Ed Gensho Welsh

May 12 - 18, 2025

Date and Time Details: Monday 5pm to Sunday 1pm

Location: Great Vow Zen Monastery or Online

Address: 79640 Quincy Mayger Road, Clatskanie, Oregon 97016, USA

  • $380.00 – Event fee
  • $280.00 – Event fee (ZCO member rate)
  • $150.00 – Online only (sustaining rate)
  • $75.00 – Online only (scholarship rate)

Zen is a direct Mind to Mind transmission–a transmission of light. We study with teachers who help us recognize and embody our awakened wisdom and compassion. During this sesshin, we will connect with our roots and draw strength from the stories of those who have come before us. Our ancestors are real people, walking the path of their lives and opening the Dharma truths – just as we aspire to do. Join us for this intimate week of practice.

Sesshin is a rigorous and, at times, challenging silent meditation retreat that is not recommended for beginners. In order to attend in person, we require that you attend one of our silent weekend retreats or a five-seven day silent retreat at another Zen Center before registering for our longer zen retreats. For more information about what to expect when attending a sesshin, click here.


$50 deposit holds your space; balance due on arrival.

About the Leaders

Amy Kisei, Sensei

Amy Kisei, Sensei is an authorized Zen teacher, zen priest, spiritual counselor and mindfulness instructor. She has been practicing meditation for almost 20 years. Kisei has 12 years of monastic training and teaching experience from Great Vow Zen Monastery, and holds a BS in Earth Science and Gender Studies. She is trained in Mindful Eating […]

Learn more about Amy Kisei, Sensei

Patrick Bansho Green

Patrick Bansho Green has practiced with the Zen Community of Oregon since 2004 and received Lay Transmission from Chozen Bays and Hogen Bays in 2019, priest ordination in 2021, and completed Preceptor Authorization and Dharma Transmission in 2023. As board president, he led the effort to found Heart of Wisdom Zen Temple, a lay practice […]

Learn more about Patrick Bansho Green

Ed Gensho Welsh

Ed Gensho Welsh began practicing Zen in 2002 and was made a Dharma Holder in 2016. He served on the Zen Community of Oregon board of directors for 10 years. He works in IT and is a married father with three grown children.

Learn more about Ed Gensho Welsh

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