June Sesshin - Loving Kindness

With Jogen Salzberg, Sensei and Laura Jomon Martin

June 9 - 15, 2025

Date and Time Details: Monday 5pm to Sunday 1pm

Location: Great Vow Zen Monastery or Online

Address: 79640 Quincy Mayger Road, Clatskanie, Oregon 97016, USA

  • $380.00 – Event fee
  • $280.00 – Event fee (ZCO member rate)
  • $150.00 – Online only (sustaining rate)
  • $75.00 – Online only (scholarship rate)
Because of our past as well as presently existing beliefs and attitudes, our capacity to meet ourselves and life and the people, places and things within it, with an open heart, is probably not fully embodied. Buddha taught that love and friendliness can be developed immeasurably, and that there is only benefit in filling ourselves and the world with love’s energy.
In this retreat we will engage various practices for opening the aperture of the heart wider than its default setting with the goal of familiarizing ourselves with just how much freedom we have to be warm and open, even in difficult times.
Together we will contemplate metta’s medicine, explore zazen as a heart centered practice and co-create a bright energy of compassion that we can meaningfully carry forth into the world

Sesshin is a rigorous and, at times, challenging silent meditation retreat that is not recommended for beginners. In order to attend in person, we ask that you attend one of our silent weekend retreats or a five-seven day silent retreat at another Zen Center before registering for our longer zen retreats. For more information about what to expect when attending a sesshin, click here.

For the latest on our health policies click here.



About the Leaders

Jogen Salzberg, Sensei

Jogen Salzberg, Sensei has been practicing Zen since 1997, entered monastic training at Great Vow in 2003 and received Dharma Transmission from Chozen Bays, Roshi and Hogen Bays, Roshi in 2017. Jogen leads the weekly Wednesday evening meditation gathering. His teaching draws on the teachings and practices of Zen, with inspiration from the Dzogchen tradition, […]

Learn more about Jogen Salzberg, Sensei

Laura Jomon Martin

Laura Jomon Martin has been practicing Zen since 2004, receiving Lay Teacher Transmission from Chozen and Hogen Roshi in 2019. She has served in various capacities within the ZCO Sangha, leading retreats, classes, and is always excited about Sangha-building activities and organizational development. She continues a long career as a social worker (since 1993), with most of those […]

Learn more about Laura Jomon Martin

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